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Hybrid Rice in Legazpi City

Hybrid Rice in Legazpi City

Hybrid Rice
"Hybrid rice is any genealogy of rice produced by crossbreeding different kinds of rice. As with other types of hybrids, hybrid rice typically displays heterosis (or hybrid vigor) such that when it is grown under the same conditions as comparable high-yielding inbred rice varieties it can produce up to 30% more rice. High-yield crops, like hybrid rice, are one of the most important tools for combating world food crises." I will not be explaining the science behind hybrid rice, lets begin with the facts of rice in general.
Have you tried a day without eating rice? How do you feel? Do you feel energized? Do you feel satisfied or full? Rice has been part of the Filipino family or in the bigger picture has been part of the Filipino tradition. It has been part of everyday meal even of the poorest family. To those family with limited budget eating rice at least one meal in a day is vital you can pair it with dried fish or noodles or even salt- the common scenario. It plays a big part of everyday meal except to those on a diet. It is the main source of carbohydrate which our body needed for energy that will make us able to function. It is also good source of iron and protein the main vitamins that our body also needed.Although it is being said that its price continues to high the demand of it is still the same or even continues to grow. We can try other alternatives like bread, pastries, and root crops and so on, but rice is the most practical mean of getting stored energy.
Rice is Life
Rice farming has been part of our family for many years. It became a passion who’s initiated by my grandfather who is a dedicated and hardworking farmer. He is Mr. Hermie Lota a resident of Banquerohan, Legazpi City.  His been a farmer for more than 40 years and he had tried different rice seeds already but hybrid seed is he preferred. He’s been cropping hybrid rice for 15 years. According to him hybrid seed is easier to cultivate and it is favorable for more harvest. The roots are strong which is not prone to lodging and also it is not susceptible to bacterial leaf blight. Hybrid rice is easier to cook, it is white in color, and once cooked it is tastes good. It is tender, mildly sticky and aromatic. He also noted some of its disadvantages like the seed is costly and once the seed is planted you cannot re-use it for another planting season.

Still not convinced? He’s an active and passionate farmer. In fact he is the chairman of- National Irrigation Associations-Brgy. Banquerohan chapter. He was once awarded as “Outstanding Farmer” in Legazpi City in year 2010.He’s the no. 1 seller of hybrid rice in his barangay for many years and he received consecutive positive feedback from his costumers.  Now his opening this product for more Legazpeñoz to try.
His hybrid rice is out for order. Contact now  at +639954903185 or email at for more information .


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