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If you Love your Family Business and so your Family too..

(An overview of my family's business engagement- A background of success and failures)

We are already familiar with the different interpretations associated with the word "Family". Depending on its own point of view we cannot deny the fact that it is giving a big importance. To me family is something that I cannot trade and I cannot live without despite of its imperfections. It is the home where I learn to walk, to talk, etc. Being part of the family is a big responsibility too. Every family member has its own responsibility. Being the eldest I was task to attend to my younger siblings and so on. It’s a bit pressure on my part because I should act as a role model, well I guess I am not.
My Family

Why choose our family?

I know all of us has their own companions-friends or boyfriends/girlfriends. But when the life gets hard some of them will leave us or maybe all of them but not our family. Our family will always be with us they will embrace us even we done wrong things. So in return we should be in our family’s side at all times in every ventures like business.
Why we should appreciate our family's business?
I remember my family had many small businesses underwent to. And you know what my parents are never employed in private companies or government agencies for the mere fact that they did not had a proper education. So what my parents did is engaged in the business. 
As far as I remember my father used to sell home decors made from the sea shells when I was still very young and that is our  first business engagement. It succeed for a moment and eventually little by little when its fame was gone and so our business too. 
Seashells Home decor
And so my father started to look for another business again until I just noticed that moment that we already had a “Junk Shop.”And then it all started our fortune in business. My parents build a concrete house not a very big house but comfortable enough for us, I was enrolled in a private school also. We enjoyed a comfortable life in a moment but like they say not all things are permanent. Our junkshop started to fall, good thing that we already invest a truck, jeepney and a boarding house. That is the only source of income when our junkshop was gone. It was one of the hardest part during that moment in the financial aspect. But my father didn’t stop to look for a new business (well when my father was still alive). To cut it short after our junkshop was gone here comes our new business venture which is Poultry and Agricultural business. We sell poultry and agricultural products like fertilizers, insecticides and the likes. It's a good business especially that we are situated in a rural barangay where the residents are primarily farmers and the source of income depends on live stocks. Our business is  four years now and I can say that it is doing well, it is our primary source of income it provides our family's basic needs and it’s still alive even if my father is not with us anymore.
Jacob Agri and Poultry Supply
Why we should be helping in our family's business?
Back when I was still studying in college I'm already helping my parents in our business. This is one of the reason how I graduated. And up until now I am still here in our business. I’m currently having a tough time looking for employment. Good thing that there is our business. I am still helping my mother, my family. I’m not that worthless anyway.So if your family had a business too start to help it grow. It can be your identity too. If you love your family business and so your family too.
To know more about my awesome family you can check out our family moments here in my facebook page.


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